About Us
The power of a spark. It can slowly build and turn into a cozy and inviting space filled with love and laughter, and additionally, it can burn a whole fucking city down. Fire is powerful. The fire in your soul, the heat of your passion, the ignition of your dreams come to life.
When I think of the power surrounding the women and entrepreneurs in our community I can’t help but think of the fire in their souls. It takes a true warrior to look at a small spark in her soul and say… this is going to be hard, but I can build this. I will build this.
You must be brave, committed, and fearless. Truly aware that at times this journey will be exhausting. You will be tired, and worn, you will want to walk away, be done, and full out quit. But that’s the thing with warriors. They don’t. You won’t. Ember is a community of humans fighting that good fight with full, yet sometimes weary souls. A place to come and just be. To be inspired, ignited again, supported, held, and fought for differently than any other community.
Because when it comes to what we are building, very few of us need another cheerleader… what we need is like minded souls that understand on a deep deep level what this all feels like, and show up again and again because of it. And when that fire is dwindled down again to just a glowing ember, come here.
Find rest. Reset. And stoke those fiery dreams again…