The Power of a Spark.

The Ember Society

Upon becoming an Ember member, you’ll be added to our online directory. A value add that improves your brand reach while also giving you access to great brands to support and encourage yourself! You also will be added to our private members only Facebook group and our private slack community, for immediate networking opportunities right in
the comfort of your own cozy space.

The Community

The Ember Society private Facebook and Slack communities keep you connected daily. There’s no pressure to click into more social media, but it’s there when you need it! As any community, you’ll reap the benefits to the extent you participate. We work hard to make space both online and in person for collaboration, connection and amazing conversations to take place.

Monthly Hosted Events

Our favorites! Every month an Ember member hosts a get together for members and those that are member curious. It’s an awesome way to learn about our femme focused businesses in town, and a neat way for our members to invite a large group into their space to showcase and highlight what they are doing in our community. Win Win!! (Please note: hosting is not guarantee)

Coffee Meet Ups and Boozy Happy Hours

Being a small business owner can feel lonely. Sometimes one can miss the chats around the coffee machine in the office, or that super fun happy hour with co-workers. These events help feed that need for informal conversations with amazing humans doing similar building in our community. Our Curated Coffee and Cocktails each happen monthly and are hosted by female owners and founders. Check the event page for dates and details!

Our Newsletter

An opportunity to keep up to date on events, hear about big wins from fellow Embers, and promote your own news, events and updates directly to the inboxes in our community.

Furthering Education

We offer up-leveled Quarterly workshops to our members at a discounted event rate than non member attenders. These niche workshops and specialty panels, really tuck into educational opportunities for our Ember Society members to grow and learn in deeper and more targeted capacity. Keep an eye out on our event page for upcoming sessions!

The Skinny on Small Biz

In our membership community we have lawyers, bankers, accountants, bookkeepers, founders, marketing experts, social media experts, all a question and click away! If you’re wondering about your next step, there is someone in our community that can help!

Job Board

Find a job that meets your needs as an eager and successful woman. We work with brands that will support you while encouraging growth. It’s also a great place to post a job opening!

Having a  community of women that empower you to go after your dreams, have your back, & show up for you daily is a game changer. Not only do you find great humans in The Ember Society, but also a wealth of knowledge from bold, strong women that are making moves in a big way right here in Lincoln.

- Meg